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Laws and regulations

Privacy&TVCC: installation guidelines for the Italian installers

Friday 4 September 2015

tvcc e privacy


General Security Measures of 4/08/2010, by Italian Data Protection Authority

Video surveillance - The general provision adopted by the Garante

Describes the general requirements applying to all video surveillance systems, in order of the respect for citizens' fundamental rights and freedoms and personal dignity, with particular regard to privacy, identity and personal data protection

These requirements are related:

-      the system choose

-     the installation (positioning, visual angle, resolution)

-     the data collection,  retention and processing

Consult the Italian Data Protection Authority web site

Usefull documents (Italian language only):

  •  GUIDA INSTALLATORE che MARSS ha preparato sul tema e che vuole fornire, agli installatori di sistemi di videosorveglianza, le linee guida base in materia di privacy e videosorveglianza e pertanto non sostituisce la normativa in materia, alla quale si rimanda

  • MODULO DOMANDA ISPETTORATO LAVORO (fac-simile soggetto a variazioni da parte Ispettorato al quale si rimanda per ogni richiesta e conferma in materia.)