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Solar Defender guard the photovoltaic sails on the longest promed of Europe, on the Baltic coast

:  Hringsdorf Municipality     :  Germany, Baltic Sea

Inaugurated in 2012, the “Klimaneutrale Europe Promenade“ links the city of Świnoujście (Poland) and Heringsdorf (Germany), on the Baltic coast, and it's part of the “cross-border cooperation” project, that the two cities have got started, far-back, to assure the coordinate economic, cultural and local development. A route of over 12 Km, equipped with cycle tracks, pedestrian trails, parking area, recharging area for electric vehicles, observation platforms and all the services to assure the maximum comfort. Considering the common effort, both the cities have expressed the will to preserve at the best what made, e.g. to protect the 5 "Photovoltaic sails" that assure the energy production of the 55 Led street lamps, on the German side.

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