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Anti-theft system over Plastic Optical Fiber to guard a PV park with trackers


The PV park based in Vaglio di Basilicata (Pz), made by Martifer Solar, an important general contractor in the energy field, is the biggest photovoltaic park in Basilicata. It's extended on a hill of about 15 hectares and is on biaxial solar trackers, (total power of 3 MWp); it produces the energy to satisfy the annual demand of energy of 1.350 families and avoid the production of 2.800 CO2 tons. Martifer has selected the biaxial solar tracker because thanks the double moving along the vertical and horizontal axes, allows to capture +30% of the solar rays then the standard solar panels.

The security demand

To guard the PV park based in Vaglio di Basilicata, it was important to evaluate different elements: ground morphology, environmental conditions, panels' structure, and other requirements.

The Solution

Solar Defender system over Plastic Optical Fiber was the most suitable anti-theft solution for Mrtifer Solar.

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