IP Controller System --- Java compatibility for UDIP software

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Technical Bulletin
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In response to some reports about the UDIP software related the IP Controller system, hereby please note that, for the proper operation of the same software, it's required:

- UDIP v4.0.1 available on our website
- JAVA v8.25 or JAVA v7 (prior 7.75.version)

It is recommended to uninstall any JAVA different version, as it does not guarantee the proper operation of the system.
In the downloading of Java, please pay attention to the operating system of the PC, because the Java files are different for the 32bit and 64bit version.
 MARSS IP & Security Technical Staff
MARSS' Technical Dept.: Phone +39 0833 790185- e-mail a tecnico@marss.eu
Time: Monday-Friday, 8.30-13.00 - 15.00 -19.00

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